The First Interactive Streaming Platform Dedicated To The Future Of Our Planet.

We are proud to announce WaterBear Network as our headline sponsor for the third successive year. WaterBear is the first network of its kind: a free interactive video and digital platform dedicated to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It does this through inspirational content, cutting-edge technology that facilitates action, and through its global network of partners. It uniquely empowers the viewer to take direct instant action to support NGOs around the world and shape a better future for our fragile planet. They are a perfect fit for our festival, aligning with our ethos to celebrate new filmmaking talent, support sustainable practices and tell powerful stories through film.

With sustainable filmmaking central to our ethos, we have two fantastic online videos on our festival hub this year:

Lions, Action, Tarzan: can Screenwriters save the Planet?!

Fascinating interview with prolific sci-fi and action adventure Screenwriter, Author and Executive Producer, Andy Briggs.  With an extraordinary career, Andy highlights how writers can bring environmental themes to audiences, with dramatic storytelling, and the vital role they play in helping to reduce the impact of the production process. 

Bafta Albert Sustainable Production Guidance

This sustainable production talk provides the knowledge and skills to create productions in a more sustainable way. Miranda Simmons is a BAFTA Albert Trainer, regularly presenting Sustainable Production sessions to the Film and TV industry.

environmental basics- industry’s impact –production case studies –carbon calculation -certification

Oscars Showcase Battersea Powerstation ​

We recently had the pleasure of hosting the shortlisted Oscar short film showcase at the Cinema in the Arches – check out the highlights below!


Most film festivals, particularly the large ones, are focused on established filmmakers with established funding. But these filmmakers represent just a small portion of the visionary people all around the world who are making films on small, self-funded or even non-existent budgets. Our reason for being is to provide a showcase for these emerging filmmakers. We want to find and highlight the work of those early in their careers as filmmakers – and for those trying to break into it. We are a festival for the many, not the few.